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The South of France for Art Lovers

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There’s more to the South of France than sun, beaches, and the azure blue sea. Something that culture journalist Eric Rinckhout sets out to prove with verve in this new travel guide. Rinckhout has compiled a list of 380 exceptional culture and art spots in his favourite travel destination, presenting them in intriguing thematic lists.

  • impressive pieces of public art
  • houses of famous writers, painters and musicians
  • gardens as works of art
  • the best museum restaurants
  • wonderful music festivals
  • charming art villages

... and much more.

The South of France for Art Lovers is one of the spin-off titles of The 500 Hidden Secrets series of essential city guides. This guide focusses on one particular aspect of the region of the South of France. Author Eric Rinckhout will help you to see the South of France in a new light and to discover sites and details you never looked for before.

Journalist/art connoisseur Eric Rinckhout lives in Antwerp, Belgium. He has written extensively on old masters and contemporary artists and knows France like the back of his hand, having explored the country for over 40 years. Arnaud Moro is a Nice-based photographer and film director. 


Published June 2022
Language English
Author Eric Rinckhout
Photographer Arnaud Moro
Joke Gossé and
Finish softcover
Format 14,2 x 19,2 cm
Pages 352
ISBN 9789460582790